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Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

Renowned high build coal tar epoxy for protection for steel and concrete in single or two-coat...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

Renowned high build coal tar epoxy for protection for steel and concrete in single or two-coat...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

Aluminum-pigmented, low-stress, high-solids mastic with a proven field history. Carbomastic 15 was...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

Economical, aluminum-pigmented mastic with excellent performance properties. Designed for a broad...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

Highly chemical resistant epoxy mastic coating with exceptionally versatile uses in all industrial...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

Carboguard 1340 WB is a two-component, water-borne epoxy primer used as a primer/sealer for...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

High performance immersion-grade epoxy that has excellent resistance to water, salt water, and...

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php

High solids, high-build potable water coating widely used for lining interior steel and concrete...