Bitumasic 300 M Black 0900

Category: Coatings
Price: 1,00 Php
Generic Type Coal Tar Epoxy 
Description Renowned high build coal tar epoxy for protection for steel and concrete in single or two-coat applications in a broad variety of aggressive industrial applications. 
Features ƒ
  •  Excellent chemical, corrosion and abrasion resistance 
  •  ƒ High-build, 16-24 mils (400-610 microns) in a single coat (up to 35 mils with force curing) 
  •  ƒ Compatible with controlled cathodic protection 
  • ƒ Suitable for use in exposures as referenced in the following specifications*: 
 •Corp of Engineers C-200, C200a 
 •AWWA C-210 for exterior 
 •SSPC-Paint 16 
 •Steel Tank Institute Corrosion Control 
  • System STI-P3
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