FS703 Neutral Cure, Fire Rated Silicone
Fire Stopping
FS703 Silicone Sealant is a single-part alkoxy-based fire resistant, elastomeric, neutral cure silicone sealant. Provides up to 4 hours fire protection at internal and external building gaps and movement joints.
FS703 is designed for sealing joints in compartment walls and floors, Gaps between frames and structures, at junctions of different materials.
- Masonry to masonry
- Masonry to timber
- Masonry to steel
- Up to 4 hours fire resistance - Tested to EN 1366-4
- Suitable for gaps up to 50 mm wide
- Certified 3rd party accreditation
- Air Permeability 600 Pa EN1026
- Seal ratio at 2:1
- Neutral cure silicone sealant